Wednesday, April 30, 2008

They make movies

This post features two trailers for documentaries about surviving epithelioid sarcoma (well, one is about a vascular cousin to epithelioid sarcoma called epithelioid hemangioendothelioma). I'm blown away by someone managing to document their disease right in the midst of the worst for it; during my darkest days, I was happy to get out of bed or reach for a glass of water. An auteur I wasn't.

The first trailer is by Joshua Isaac, a Seattle-area father of three who has been battling this disease for 10 years. I don't know him, but I can tell he is a man of faith, courage and great devotion to his family. The film won an audience award at the 2007 Tacoma Film Festival. 

I warn you: Even the trailer to My Left Hand is not easy to watch. The film documents the reality of this disease, which is often amputation and highly toxic chemotherapy. The preview is below or at My Left Hand:

The second trailer is for a film by Kris Carr titled Crazy, Sexy, Cancer. (I'm in need of attitude adjustment. If my cancer were a documentary, it would be titled something like Tedious, Sucky, Cancer.) I'll have more to say on this film at some point because it is actually available through Netflix (it aired on network cable as well). I'm still amazed that two wildly different thirtysomethings with rare and brutal sarcomas were able to make films about their experiences. 

At any rate, the apparently irrepressible Carr's site is at Crazy Sexy Cancer and her trailer is below:


L said...

Of course "crazy, "sexy," and "cancer" are describing Carr. SG is witty but if he were a documentary, it should be called "Loving, Brilliant, Cancer."

SG said...

What, no "sexy" for me???

L said...

Carr looks hotter in yoga-wear, sorry. Plus you have to be wonderfully crazy to put "sexy" and "cancer" side by side. But you're sexy as hell.

SG said...

Bah, you've never seen me in real yoga-wear. T. wants to road trip to Joshua Tree and work on our downward-facing dogs. It will have the same visual effect, I'm sure.